Spiritual Gifts
I Corinthians 14:26-40

  1. What does Paul say that all things should be done for?

  2. What three restrictions does Paul place on speaking in tongues at church?
  3. To whom is one who speaks in tongues to speak if there is no one to interpret?

  4. What is a prophet who is speaking to do if another prophet receives a revelation?

  5. What restrictions does Paul place on prophesying at church?

  6. To whom are the spirits of prophets subject?

  7. What two reasons does Paul give as to why women should be silent in church?
  8. Where does Paul say that women should speak?

  9. What does Paul want spiritual Corinthians to acknowledge?

  10. What does Paul say that the Corinthians should desire? What should they not forbid?

  11. In what two ways does Paul say that all things should be done?

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Last updated on February 19, 2004
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