Division and Wisdom
I Corinthians 3
- What two things did Paul say that the Corinthian brothers were?
- What does Paul say that he and Apollos were?
- What did Paul, Apollos, and God each respectively do?
- What two images did Paul use in describing the Corinthians?
- What is the only foundation that can be laid?
- What kinds of substances does Paul list that men might build
- With what will the day be revealed when each person's work
becomes apparent?
- With what kind of building does Paul identify the Corinthians?
- Who lives in this building?
- Are 3:16-17 referring to the same thing as 6:19-20? To what
does each refer?
- What things does Paul list as belonging to the Corinthians?
http://www.bterry.com/1cor/1cor3.htm hosted at http://bible.ovc.edu/terry/1cor/1cor3.htm
Last updated on February 4, 2014
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Copyright © 2004 Bruce Terry