I Corinthians 7:1-16
- What does Paul begin to respond to at the beginning of chapter
- What does Paul say that it is good for a man not to do? (Not in NIV)
- Because of what temptation does Paul say that each man should
have his own wife and each wife her own husband?
- Whom does Paul say rules over the wife's body? Over the
husband's body? (Not in NIV)
- For what reason might a husband and wife decide not to have
sex for a period of time?
- What does Paul say that it is good for unmarried and widows to
- What does Paul say that it is better to marry than to do?
- What are the two options that Paul gives married Christians
who separate?
- What does Paul say one should not do to an unbelieving spouse
who is willing to live with the Christian?
- What spiritual benefit does Paul say that an unbelieving
spouse receives from his or her Christian partner?
- What is the status of a Christian brother or sister whose
unbelieving spouse wants to separate?
http://www.bterry.com/1cor/1cor7a.htm hosted at http://bible.ovu.edu/terry/1cor/1cor7a.htm
Last updated on February 19, 2004
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Copyright © 2004 Bruce Terry