A Possible Letter from Corinth to Paul

The church of God which is at Corinth to Paul. Rejoice.

We pray that you may be in health, even as we are. We thank God for you, remembering you in our prayers.

There have been some matters of discussion among us, and knowing your wisdom, we are writing for your decision in these matters.

Is it a good thing for a man not to touch a woman? If so, does a man do well if he should give his virgin in marriage?

Should we eat things sacrificed to idols? Some say that we all have knowledge that no idol is anything in the world and that there is no God but one. And we know that all things are lawful.

Now we remember you in everything and maintain the traditions even as you have delivered them to us. But as to spiritual gifts, is it better to speak in tongues or to prophesy in church?

How should we take up the collection for the saints in Jerusalem?

Some among us would like Apollos to return. Send him back to us soon.

This letter is sent by the hand of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus whom you know to be faithful in the Lord. They will tell you more than what we have written.

Gaius, and the church in his house, greets you. Cripus greets you. Greet Apollos. Greet Aquila and Prisca, and the church in their house. Rejoice.

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Last updated on February 19, 2004
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