Bible 102.01 Return to Syllabus


1 Corinthians 14:1-40

  1. Who understands people when they speak in a tongue like at Corinth?

  2. Whom does speaking in tongues and prophesying build up?

  3. Which gift is better, speaking in tongues or prophesying? Why?

  4. What kinds of analogies does Paul use to explain speaking in tongues in verses 6-12?

  5. Why should one who speaks in a tongue pray for the power to interpret (i.e. translate)?

  6. Do tongues or prophecy change unbelievers into believers? Which gift leaves unbelievers as unbelievers?

  7. What kinds of activities went on when early Christians gathered?

  8. Was it possible for people with the real gifts of prophecy and speaking in tongues to control when and if they used them?

  9. What reasons does Paul give for women keeping silent in church?

  10. What does Paul mean by church in verse 34: a) the universal church; b) the local congregation; or c) the public assembly or meeting?

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