1 Corinthians 14:1-40
- Who understands people when they speak in a tongue like at
- Whom does speaking in tongues and prophesying build up?
- Which gift is better, speaking in tongues or prophesying?
- What kinds of analogies does Paul use to explain speaking in
tongues in verses 6-12?
- Why should one who speaks in a tongue pray for the power to
interpret (i.e. translate)?
- Do tongues or prophecy change unbelievers into believers?
Which gift leaves unbelievers as unbelievers?
- What kinds of activities went on when early Christians
- Was it possible for people with the real gifts of prophecy and
speaking in tongues to control when and if they used them?
- What reasons does Paul give for women keeping silent in
- What does Paul mean by church in verse 34: a) the universal
church; b) the local congregation; or c) the public assembly
or meeting?
http://www.bterry.com/acts-rev/1cor14.htm hosted at http://bible.ovu.edu/terry/acts-rev/1cor14.htm
Last updated on September 1, 2003
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