1 & 2 Peter and Jude
- Through what are Christians born again/anew?
- What two adjectives does Peter use to describe the priesthood
of all believers? What kind of sacrifices do they offer?
- For what reason does Peter say that Jesus died on the cross?
- How should Christian wives who have non-Christian husbands win
them over to the Lord?
- How should Christian husbands treat their wives? Why?
- What should Christians always be prepared to give/make? How
should it be done?
- If baptism cannot be said to save us because it washes dirt
off the body, why can it be said to save us?
- What does Peter exhort elders to do and in what way?
- Why should a Christian be careful about the devil?
- What Christian graces/virtues does Peter say that Christians
should add to their lives?
- What should Christians do to ensure that they will never
- Is every teacher of Christianity equally valid? Why or why
- What is the real purpose that the Lord seems to delay the
second coming? How should we then live?
- What must Christians do to guard the purity of the Christian
- What happened to angels who sinned?
http://www.bterry.com/acts-rev/peterjud.htm hosted at http://bible.ovu.edu/terry/acts-rev/peterjud.htm
Last updated on September 1, 2003
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