Bible 107 Return to Syllabus


CULTURAL NORMS ARGUMENT FROM CHRIST Division Having political parties and Christ is not divided. We following various men is wise. preach Christ crucified. You all belong to Christ Fornication Fornication is natural. The Our bodies are members of way to solve problems is Christ. Shall I join members through a court of law. of Christ to a prostitute? Marriage Divorce is acceptable. The Lord says not to divorce. Eating Meat Offered to Idols The way to worship a god is by The cup and bread are sharing sharing a meal with him. This with the blood and body of is one of the times to eat Christ. You can't share this meat. cup and the cup of demons. Head Coverings Greeks prayed bareheaded. Jews Christ is the head of man. A and Romans covered their heads man who prays with his head to pray. covered dishonors his head. The Lord's Supper Getting drunk is a way to The Lord Jesus said, "Do this reach out to the gods. in memory of me." Spiritual Gifts The Delphi prophetess gave her The same Lord has a variety of oracles in tongues. services. You are the body of Christ and members of it. The Resurrection The body does not rise from Christ rose from the dead as the dead. It is a prison of the firstfruits of the the soul. resurrection. The Contribution Corinth doesn't encourage On the first day of every week charletans by giving money. put something aside.

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