Paul's Arrest and Trial Before Felix
Acts 21-24
- Who stirred up the crowds in the temple? What did they accuse
Paul of doing?
- Who came to rescue Paul from the mob in the temple?
- In what language did Paul address the mob at the temple? What
was the crowd's initial reaction?
- What incident in Paul's life did he relate to the mob while
addressing them from the stairs to the fortress?
- What statement in Paul's speech incited the mob to shout and
throw dust in the air?
- Who learned about the plot against Paul's life and told him
about it?
- Where did the military tribune send Paul to protect his life?
http://www.bterry.com/actstorev/acts21hw.htm hosted at http://bible.ovu.edu/terry/actstorev/acts21hw.htm
Last updated on January 27, 2005
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