Bible 107 | Return to Syllabus |
Read the following, paying special attention to the listed verses:
1:15-2:22 prayer (chap. 1)/salvation (2:1-10)/Jews and Gentiles one (2:11-22) 1:20--Christ raised from the dead & sit at right of God 1:22--Christ the head of the church 2:1 --we were dead through our sins 2:5 --God made us alive 2:8-10--not saved by works, but saved in order to work 2:14-16--made both one by abolishing the law 2:20--foundation of apostles and prophets with Christ as cornerstone 2:22--dwelling place of God in the Spirit 4:1-16 unity of the church 4:3-6--unity of the Spirit/seven ones 4:11-14--the gifts of Christ and their purpose 4:25-5:6 commands as to the new life 4:30--do not grieve the Holy Spirit 5:18-6:4 be filled with the Spirit 5:18-20--not drunk with wine, but filled with the Spirit 5:23--Christ head of the church 5:24-25--responsibilities of husbands and wives 5:28--husbands love wives as own body 6:1 --children obey parents 6:4 --parents bring up children in discipline and admonition of the Lord 6:10-20 the whole armor of God 6:12--not fighting against flesh and blood 6:14-17--list of the Christian's armor You may wish to read other verses in Ephesians as you see fit.