Bible 107 Return to Syllabus

Readings from Ephesians

The book of Ephesians is a general letter written in Paul's later life while he was a prisoner. It emphasizes the place of the church in God's plan. The book divides naturally into two sections of three chapters each. The first three concentrate on the theory (expository) while the last three concentrate on the practical (hortatory).

Read the following, paying special attention to the listed verses:

1:15-2:22  prayer (chap. 1)/salvation (2:1-10)/Jews and Gentiles
     one (2:11-22)
     1:20--Christ raised from the dead & sit at right of God
     1:22--Christ the head of the church
     2:1 --we were dead through our sins
     2:5 --God made us alive
     2:8-10--not saved by works, but saved in order to work
     2:14-16--made both one by abolishing the law
     2:20--foundation of apostles and prophets with Christ as
     2:22--dwelling place of God in the Spirit

4:1-16  unity of the church
     4:3-6--unity of the Spirit/seven ones
     4:11-14--the gifts of Christ and their purpose

4:25-5:6  commands as to the new life
     4:30--do not grieve the Holy Spirit

5:18-6:4  be filled with the Spirit
     5:18-20--not drunk with wine, but filled with the Spirit
     5:23--Christ head of the church
     5:24-25--responsibilities of husbands and wives
     5:28--husbands love wives as own body
     6:1 --children obey parents
     6:4 --parents bring up children in discipline and admonition
          of the Lord

6:10-20  the whole armor of God
     6:12--not fighting against flesh and blood
     6:14-17--list of the Christian's armor

You may wish to read other verses in Ephesians as you see fit.

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