Bible 107 Return to Syllabus

Study Questions on Revelation

  1. Who did John say will see Jesus when He comes again with the clouds? (chap. 1)


  2. On what day did John have his vision? (chap. 1)


  3. To what seven cities was the letter of Revelation originally sent? (chap. 1)


  4. What two sins was the false prophetess called Jezebel teaching people to commit? (chap. 2)


  5. What form did the lion of the tribe of Judah take when John saw him? (chap. 5)


  6. Who fought with the red dragon and defeated him? (chap. 12)


  7. What four things came about when the red dragon was defeated? (chap. 12)


  8. What two names were written of the thigh of the One called Faithful and True and the Word of God? (chap. 19)


  9. What would not be any more in the new heavens and new earth? (chap. 21)


  10. What kind of people would be in the lake of fire and sulfur? (chap. 21)


  11. What will happen to the one who adds to this book? To the one who takes away from this book? (chap. 22)


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