The Tapestry of Culture
Rosman and Rubel
Chapter 6 Study Guide 2, pp. 129-156

  1. What kind of residence patterns are usually associated with patrilineal clans?

  2. What kind of residence patterns are usually associated with matrilineal clans?

  3. What two kinds of marriages are forbidden in South Korea?

  4. What term is used to refer to a grouping in which the entire society is divided into two of these groups?

  5. Kindred charts have what kind of orientation rather than ancestor orientation?

  6. What term is used to describe links between kin groups established by marriage?

  7. What are parallel cousins?

  8. What are cross cousins?

  9. What are two meanings of the Yanomamo term 'suaboya'?

  10. What is the term that refers to the practice of a lineage receiving wives from another lineage and giving wives to still a third lineage?

  11. What is the term that refers to the practice of returning a wife to a lineage in the next generation?

  12. In what region of the world is marriage to a parallel cousin the preferred form of marriage?

  13. What classification does American kinship terminology belong to?

  14. What classification of kinship terminology is the most common type found in the world?

  15. What are four other types of kinship terminology classifications?

  16. What are two terms that refer to a fictive kinship?

  17. In lower class kinship in America, what kind of males are usually present in a family?

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