The Tapestry of Culture
Rosman and Rubel
Chapter 11 Study Guide

  1. What distinctions do Rosman and Rubel make between myths, legends, and folktales?

  2. What four twentieth-century anthropologists dealt with the proper way to interpret myths?

  3. What human tension does the Wogeo myth about flutes deal with?

  4. What literary device, also found in the Hebrew Bible, is important to the Maori of New Zealand and finds its place in their legends?

  5. What is the most common folktale motif?

  6. What form does a trickster take among many North American Indian societies, especially in the west?

  7. What form does a trickster take among the Kwakiutl Indians of Canada?

  8. How were myths, legends, and folktales originally transmitted?

  9. What form does the trickster Ananse take in West Africa?

  10. What form does the trickster take among southeastern Native American groups?

  11. What medium is currently being used in American society to communicate folklore?

  12. What two forms of folklore do the authors mention on the last page of the chapter that are often transmitted by email today?

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