The Tapestry of Culture
Rosman and Rubel
Chapter 9 Study Guide

  1. What signs of deference are shown to the chief among the Trobriand Islanders?

  2. What must a Yanomamo headman obtain before adopting a course of action?

  3. How do Rosman and Rubel define "power" in an anthropological sense?

  4. How do Rosman and Rubel define "authority" in an anthropological sense?

  5. How do Rosman and Rubel define "influence" in an anthropological sense?

  6. What is a cultural universal (i.e., something that is found in all human cultures) under political anthropology?

  7. How do Rosman and Rubel distinguish between government and politics?

  8. By what name is leadership in the simplest form of political organization called?

  9. What is the second kind of leadership form called?

  10. What is the third kind of leadership form called?

  11. What is the difference between achieved status and ascribed status?

  12. What is the highest form of leadership in societies below state level?

  13. How does the state differ from other types of political organization?

  14. What carries out administrative functions in a state?

  15. What happens to customary law in a state?

  16. What concept distinguishes a principle of law from a political decision of an authority?

  17. What two kinds of law are distinguished in complex societies?

  18. Why do most people not break laws of a moral and religious nature?

  19. How do Rosman and Rubel distinguish feuding and warfare?

  20. Warfare and peacemaking operate according to what?

  21. What are four levels of hostility practiced among the Yanomamo of northwestern Brazil?

  22. What kind of relationship is important both in the economic and political organizations of Bangladesh?

  23. What happens during "outdooring" of a newborn?

  24. What happens to tribalism when a region is forged into a nation-state?

  25. How do common people view "empowerment" in Zimbabwe?

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