Bible 205 Return to Syllabus

Study Questions: Bible Survey
I Corinthians

  1. Into what groups had the Christians at Corinth divided? (chap. 1)

  2. In what sort of words should we speak to express spiritual truths? (chap. 2)

  3. Is the temple referred to in 3:16-17 the same as the temple in 6:19? Why?

  4. What sin was the Corinthian church tolerating that even the pagans did not approve of? (chap. 5)

  5. When Christians disagree with one another, who are they to take their case before to ask for help in resolving it? (6)

  6. What does the Christian who commits fornication do to Christ? (chap. 6)

  7. What two options does a Christian who is divorced or separated from his or her spouse have? (chap. 7)

  8. If a Christian thinks an activity is not wrong, but a "weaker" Christian thinks it is wrong, should the "stronger" Christian go ahead and do the activity? Why or why not? (8)

  9. What did Paul do to convert people to Christ? (chap. 9)

  10. When we eat the bread and drink the cup in the Lord's Supper, what are we having with the body and blood of Christ? (10)

  11. What should a Christian do about eating meat offered to an idol in each of these situations? (chap. 10)
    1. In an idol's temple?
    2. At home when the meat was bought in the meat market?
    3. At a friend's house when nothing is said?
    4. At a friend's house when he says this meat has been sacrificed to an idol?

  12. List five arguments that Paul makes to show that men should uncover their heads and women cover theirs when they pray?
    1. (11: 3-5)
    2. (11: 7-9)
    3. (11: 10)
    4. (11: 13-15)
    5. (11: 16)

  13. What were the Corinthians doing that made Paul say that the church meal they shared was not the Lord's Supper? (chap.11)

  14. Why does God discipline Christians? (chap. 11)

  15. What spiritual gifts does Paul list here? Which are miraculous and which are not miraculous? (chap. 12)

  16. How does a person get into the body of Christ? (chap. 12)

  17. What are the attributes of love (or rather, of the person who has love)? (chap. 13)

  18. When will the partial (the imperfect, the things in part) come to an end? (chap. 13)

  19. Which is the greatest among faith, hope, and love and why? (chap. 13)

  20. Who understands people when they speak in a tongue like at Corinth? (chap. 14)

  21. What kinds of activities went on when early Christians gathered? (chap. 14)

  22. What reasons does Paul give for women keeping silent in church? (chap. 14)

  23. What are the four most important facts of the gospel? (chap. 15)

  24. How does Paul contrast the resurrection body with the physical body? (chap. 15)

  25. When should Christians take up a collection to God? (chap.16)

  26. What met in the house of Aquila and Prisca? (chap. 16)

  27. What does the prayer "Maranatha" mean? (chap. 16)

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