1:1, 3 introduction; ox knows owner
1:11-18 not sacrifices
2:1-4 mountain of the house of the Lord
5:1-7 vineyard
5:8-22 woes
6:1-10 call of Isaiah
7:3-17 almah prophecy
8:1-4 Mahershalalhashbaz
8:10-14 conspiracy, holy, rock
8:17-20 consult the Lord
9:1-2 seen a great light
9:6-7 child is born
10:5-16 king of Assyria--rod of God's anger
10:21-22 only a remnant return
11:1-10 shoot from stump of Jesse
13:1,5-20 oracle against Babylon
14:3,9-20 DayStar, king of Babylon
22:12-13 eat and drink, tomorrow you die
25:8 wipe away tears
26:19 resurrection
28:9-16 scoffers and sure foundation
29:10-16 draw near with mouth
30:8 write it in a book
31:1, 15 woe to those who rely on horses; Spirit poured out
35:8 the Holy Way
40:1-8 voice in the wilderness
40:18-20 idols
42:1-10 God's servant
43:10-12 no other god
44:3, 6-8 pour out Spirit; no other god
44:16-19 half he burns in the fire
44:28; 45:1 Cyrus
45:5-6, 18-19 no other god; not create chaos
45:21-23 every knee bow
46:7-11 no other god
47:13 astrology
49:1, 5-6, 8 light to nations; day of salvation
52:7 beautiful feet
52:13-54:1 suffering servant
55:6-11 thoughts not God's thoughts
56:7 house of prayer
57:15 dwell with humble
58:3-7 fasting (real)
59:1-2, 7-8 sins separated from God; feet run to evil
61:1-2 Spirit of the Lord on me
62:4 Beulah land
63:10 grieve Holy Spirit
64:6, 8 righteous deeds: dirty clothes
65:1-2 sought by ones not asking
65:17-25 new heavens and new earth
66:1-2 heaven is throne
66:24 worm not die
Last Updated December 4, 2001
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