The following table gives a summary of Greek normative word order for non-narrative clauses:
Non-Narrative Unmarked Greek Word Order Object Subject Type Type Pronouns Clauses Nouns Clauses sV(O) (S)V(O) SV(O) _____________ Articular | Accusative sOV | (S)VO SVO Nouns | |_______________________________________ Anarthrous Accusative sOV (S)OV SOV Nouns Predicate Nominatives sNV (S)NV SNV Predicate Adjectives sAV (S)AV SAV Pronouns soV (S)oV SoV
Wakker,GC (1987): Purpose clauses in ancient Greek. In: Getting one's words into line: on word order and functional grammar. (Functional Grammar Series, 5.) Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland and Providence, RI, 89-101.
Porter,Stanley E (1993): Word order and clause structure in New Testament Greek. Filologia Neotestamentaria 6, 177-206.
Larsen,Iver (1991): Word order and relative prominence in New Testament Greek. NOT 5(1), 29-34.
Davison,ME (1989): New Testament Greek word order. Literary and Linguistic Computing 4(1), 19-28.
Dover,Kenneth J (1960): Greek word order. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.