Greek Word Order

The following table gives a summary of Greek normative word order for non-narrative clauses:

                  Non-Narrative Unmarked Greek Word Order

Object                                Subject Type
Type             Pronouns               Clauses                 Nouns

Clauses           sV(O)                 (S)V(O)                 SV(O)

Articular                    |
Accusative        sOV        |          (S)VO                   SVO
Nouns                        |
Accusative        sOV                   (S)OV                   SOV

Nominatives       sNV                   (S)NV                   SNV

Adjectives        sAV                   (S)AV                   SAV

Pronouns          soV                   (S)oV                   SoV

Philip Graber, Graduate Student in New Testament at Emory University, posted the following bibliography on Greek word order to B-Greek list on June 4, 1996:

Wakker,GC (1987): Purpose clauses in ancient Greek. In: Getting one's words into line: on word order and functional grammar. (Functional Grammar Series, 5.) Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland and Providence, RI, 89-101.

Porter,Stanley E (1993): Word order and clause structure in New Testament Greek. Filologia Neotestamentaria 6, 177-206.

Larsen,Iver (1991): Word order and relative prominence in New Testament Greek. NOT 5(1), 29-34.

Davison,ME (1989): New Testament Greek word order. Literary and Linguistic Computing 4(1), 19-28.

Dover,Kenneth J (1960): Greek word order. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

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