Bible 346 | Return to Syllabus |
Variously translated: church, congregation, assembly Seven Meanings in the New Testament: (Match the correct meanings with the scriptures.)
1. | Universal church "all the people who are saved throughout the whole world throughout the whole Christian age" |
___ I Cor. 11:18; 14:19,28,34,35; Heb. 2:12 |
2. | Regional church "the universal church at a particular time in a particular region" | ___ Rom. 16:5; Col. 4:15 |
3. | Local church (congregation?) "the saved in a particular locality" | ___ Acts 9:31 not KJV |
4. | House church (congregation?) "the saved who gather at a house" | ___ Matt. 16:18 Eph. 1:22-23;5:23 |
5. | Old Testament church "the people of Israel gathered in the wilderness" | ___ Acts 14:23; Rom. 16:1; I Cor. 1:2; II Cor. 8:1; Col. 4:16 |
6. | Non-religious assembly "any group of people gathered together" | ___ Acts 19:32,39,41 |
7. | Meeting "an assembly of people" | ___ Acts 7:38 |
___ I Cor. 16:19 |
Note that 1 through 6 refer to the people who assemble and 7 refers to an assembly of people."
Why does Christ call his people a "church"?
What "church" means in English that it doesn't mean in Greek:
In the New Testament sense, a church is made up of people, not of congregations.
To the universal church one is added by God--Acts 2:47; Col. 1:13 One can only "join" a local church--Acts 9:26
Salvation is by God--Rom. 5:6-10; Eph. 2:8-10
Man's Response: | Faith--Mark 16:16 Repentance--II Cor. 7:10 Confession--Rom. 10:9-10 Baptism--I Peter 3:21 |
What does the __________ teach?
Are you a member of the __________?
Congregations of the __________ are found throughout Texas.