Bible 106, 310

Sermon on the Mount #1

(Matthew 5; Luke 6:17-49)
(Synopsis: §§50-59, pp. 49-55)

  1. What is the difference between the first beatitude as given by Matthew and as given by Luke? (§51)

  2. What is the blessing of people who make peace? (§51)

  3. What two analogies does Jesus use in the Sermon on the Mount to show the importance of His followers? (§§52-53)

  4. What is the purpose in having people see one's good works? (§53)

  5. What did Jesus come to do to the law and the prophets? (§54)

  6. In what way did Jesus intensify the law against murder? (§55)

  7. In what way did Jesus intensify the law against adultery? (§56)

  8. In what way did Jesus intensify the law about divorce? (§56)

  9. In what way did Jesus intensify the law about oaths? (§57)

  10. In what way did Jesus intensify the law about retaliation? (§58)

  11. In what way did Jesus intensify the law about loving those around oneself? (§59)

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