Bible 106, 310

Teachings about the Last Things

(Matt. 25)

  1. In the parable of the Ten Virgins, why were the foolish virgins considered foolish, and why were the wise considered wise?

  2. What did the cry at midnight say?

  3. What did the foolish virgins want the wise to do for them, and what was the reply?

  4. What was the bridegroom's reply to the foolish virgins when they wanted to get into the wedding?

  5. Thought question: Who did the bridegroom represent, and what did the wedding represent?

  6. What was the moral of the parable of the Ten Virgins?

  7. In the parable of the Talents, how many talents did each of the three servants earn with their money?

  8. What did the master say to the servants whom he had given five and two talents?

  9. Why did the servant who received one talent say he had hidden it?

  10. What did the master say that servant should have done with the money?

  11. What were the two morals of the parable of the Talents?

  12. At the final judgment, why will the King say to those on His right hand that they inherit the kingdom?

  13. For what two persons or groups did the King say the righteous had done good things?

  14. At the final judgment, why will the King say to those on His left hand that they are cursed for the fire?

  15. Where will the wicked and the righteous go after the judgment? (Use the words of the text) In what way are these two destinations alike?

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