Homework (Double Points)
The Synoptic Apocalypse
(Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-36)
(Synopsis: §§287-297; pp. 255-266)
- What did Jesus say would all be thrown down? (§287)
- In Matthew's account, what two questions did the disciples ask
Jesus? (§288)
- (a) Would false Christs, wars, famines, epidemics, and
earthquakes be signs of the end? (b) Why or why not? (§288)
- What did Jesus say was necessary in order to be saved? (§289)
- What did Jesus say must happen before the end will come?
- (a) What does Luke explain Matthew and Mark's "abomination of
desolation" (RSV: "desolating sacrilege") to be? (b) What
would be made desolate? (§290)
- How severe did Jesus say that the tribulation would be in
those days? (§290)
- If during that tribulation someone said that the Christ was in
the wilderness, what were Jesus' disciples to do? (§291)
- What two analogies does Jesus use to show the openness of His
second coming? (§291)
- When the Son of man comes on the clouds of heaven, what will
He send His angels to do? (§292)
- What is the lesson of the parable of the Fig Tree? (§293)
- When did Jesus say that "these things" would take place?
- When did Jesus say that heaven and earth will pass away?
- What was the lesson of the parable of the Doorkeeper? (in one
word!) (§294)
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