Coordinatingajllav—buta[ra—consequently gavr—for, let me elaborate dev—but, now, on the other hand (when used with mevn) diov—wherefore, therefore kaiv—and, also, indeed, even (in the old sense=that is) mevn—on the one hand ou\n—therefore w{ste—therefore (with the indicative); so that (with the infinitive)
Subordinatingejavn—if (used with subjunctive) [eij plus a[n]eij—if (used with indicative) ejpeiv—since i{na—in order that, so that, that o{pou—where o{pwV—that (used with subjunctive) o{tan—whenever (used with subjunctive) [o{te plus a[n] o{te—when (used with indicative) o{ti—that, because wJV—as