Greek Numerals

1 Α α alpha 10 Ι ι iota 100 Ρ ρ rho
2 Β β beta 20 Κ κ kappa 200 Σ Ϲ σ sigma
3 Γ γ gamma 30 Λ λ lambda 300 Τ τ tau
4 Δ δ delta 40 Μ μ mu 400 Υ υ upsilon
5 Ε ε ϵ epsilon 50 Ν ν nu 500 Φ φ ϕ phi
6 Ϛ ϛ stigma / Ϝ ϝ digamma 60 Ξ ξ xi 600 Χ χ chi
7 Ζ ζ zeta 70 Ο ο omicron 700 Ψ ψ psi
8 Η η eta 80 Π π pi 800 Ω ω ω omega
9 Θ θ theta 90 Ϙ ϙ koppa 900 Ϡ ϡ sampi

Numerals were often distinguished from letters by putting a mark above them. Numerals in the thousands were written by putting a mark below them instead of above them.

Note that the alphabet was enhanced by the addition of 3 or 4 older letters: either stigma or digamma for 6; koppa for 90; and sampi for 900.

Names could be assigned number values as in the following example:

ΙΗϹΟΥϹ or ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (IHSOUS/Jesus) = 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 = 888

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