Study Questions
Metzger pp. 41-58

  1. What books does manuscript p75 contain? When is it dated?

  2. What uncial manuscript is the text of p75 very similar to?

  3. Who discovered manuscript Aleph and where?

  4. From what century is manuscript Aleph? What name is given to it?

  5. To whom was the manuscript presented as a gift? Where was it taken in 1933?

  6. How much of the Old Testament does this manuscript contain? Of the New Testament? What two other books does it contain?

  7. What is the primary type of text of manuscript Aleph?

  8. From what century does manuscript A date?

  9. How much of the Bible does manuscript A contain?

  10. What is the type of text of manuscript A in the Gospels? What is it in the rest of the New Testament?

  11. Where is manuscript B found today? What name is given to it?

  12. When was manuscript B written?

  13. What does manuscript B contain? What books are missing from it?

  14. What text-type is manuscript B an excellent representative B of in the New Testament?

  15. What is the name of manuscript C? Whose sermons were written over it after it was erased?

  16. From what century does manuscript C date?

  17. What is the primary name of manuscript D? Who gave it to the Cambridge Library?

  18. From what century does manuscript D date? In what two languages is it written?

  19. What is the remarkable special characteristic of manuscript D?

  20. How much longer is manuscipt D in the book of Acts than most manuscripts?

  21. Of what text type is this manuscript the principal representative?

  22. What is the name of manuscipt DP? What books does it contain?

  23. In what languages is manuscript DP written? What type of text is it?

  24. What are the text-types and dates of manuscripts E, F, and G in the Gospels? In the Pauline letters?

  25. What is the date and text-type of manuscript K in the Gospels? In the book of Acts and the Pauline letters?

  26. What is the date and text-type of manuscript L in the Gospels? What manuscript does it often agree with?

  27. What is the date and text-type of manuscript L in the other New Testament books?

  28. What is the date of manuscript W? What is its text-type in the latter part of Mark? What remarkable addition does it have?

  29. What is the text-type of manuscript Theta in Mark?

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