Study Questions
Metzger pp. 61-63, 67-81

  1. What type of text is found in family 1?

  2. What type of text is found in family 13?

  3. What name has manuscript 33 often been called?

  4. What type of text is found in manuscript 33?

  5. What is the most notable passage found in manuscript 61?

  6. What type of text is found in manuscript 81?

  7. What type of text is found in manuscript 565?

  8. Into what three languages was the Greek New Testament first translated?

  9. What are the two manuscripts of the Old Syriac Version called?

  10. What is the standard version of Syriac called?

  11. What type of text is found in the apparatus of the Harclean Syriac version of Acts?

  12. What type of Greek text was the Palestinian Syriac version based on?

  13. What are Old Latin manuscripts designated by in a critical apparatus?

  14. What type of text is usually found in Old Latin manuscripts?

  15. When was the Old Latin manuscript k copied?

  16. How does Mark end in the Old Latin manuscript k?

  17. Who translated the Latin Vulgate?

  18. What type of text were the Greek manuscripts used to translate the Latin Vulgate?

  19. Later copies of the Latin Vulgate were changed to agree with what version?

  20. What are the two most important Coptic dialects for the study of textual criticism?

  21. What type of text do the Coptic manuscripts usually agree with?

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