Bible 307 Return to Syllabus

Homework: Hebrews
Chapter 10:19-39

  1. What does the Hebrews writer say the curtain is through which Jesus has opened a new and living way?

  2. What does the Hebrews writer say has been sprinkled clean from an evil, guilty conscience? What has been washed with pure water?

  3. What does the Hebrews writer say that we must hold fast to?

  4. What two things does the Hebrews writer say that we should stir up/spur on one another to?

  5. What should we not neglect or give up? What should we do instead?

  6. What no longer remains if we sin deliberately? What is left?

  7. How many people must testify to put a person to death under the law of Moses?

  8. What three things does the Hebrews writer say that the person who sins deliberately does?

  9. >What does the Hebrews writer say is a fearful, dreadful thing?

  10. What troubles had the original readers of Hebrews been through?

  11. What might make God have no pleasure in his righteous one?

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