Homework: Joshua-Esther
I Samuel 1-11
- Why did Eli think that Hannah was drunk?
- What social and sexual sins were Eli's sons committing?
- How often did the Lord give visions during Eli's time? To
whom did He speak then?
- How did Eli die? How did his daughter-in-law die?
- Why did the priests of Dagon step over the threshold in his
- What kind of plagues came on the Philistines when they
captured the ark of the covenant?
- Why did some of the men of Beth-shemesh die?
- What did Samuel name the stone that was set up between Mizpah
and Jeshanah?
- Why did Israel want a king?
- What did Samuel tell Saul when he asked him where the seer
- What did Saul do to his oxen when he heard what was happening
to the men of Jabesh in Gilead?
Last Updated December 4, 2001
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