Bible 322 Return to Syllabus

Introduction to Missions
Bib. Foundations & Cont. Strategies
Chapter 6: Monocultural vs. Cross-cultural

  1. What is the difference between monoculturalism and ethnocentrism?


  2. What are three characteristics of the monocultural/ ethnocentric syndrome (MES)?


  3. What terminology used in characterization of other cultures by monoculturalists do you feel is the most insulting?


  4. What are four justifications for American ethnocentrism and what are the weaknesses of each?


  5. What are the differences between Kraft's three kinds of monoculturalism?


  6. What are three characteristics of those who are successful at becoming cross-cultural (and not just foreign) missionaries?

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Bible 322 Return to Syllabus

Introduction to Missions


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