Bible 322 Return to Syllabus

Introduction to Missions
Guidelines for World Evangelism
Chapters 1 and 2

  1. What are some possible reasons that the Baptist missionaries Carpenter and Crawford felt that the "subsidy system" hindered church growth?

  2. What about the message from the West is so confused that it would hinder acceptance in China?

  3. What would be the advantages of each of Nevius' principles?
    1. self-support
    2. self-propagation
    3. self-government
    4. wide itineration
    5. strict church discipline
    6. native benevolence

  4. What is a "social gospel"? Do you see any tendencies to preach such a gospel today?

  5. Which of the principles of the Laymen's Report are good and which are bad?

  6. What are the elements of a "valid decision" for or against Christ?

  7. How might the future coming of Christ serve as a motive for evangelism?

  8. How might the second greatest commandment serve as a motive for evangelism?

  9. How would a desire to praise God serve as a motive for evangelism?

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