Citing an Article in an Anthology in Turabian

Turabian calls an Anthology "Component Part by One Author in a Work by Another" (section 11.26 in the 6th ed. on pp. 196-197) and "Chapters and Other Titled Parts of a Book" (sections 17.1.8 [pp. 177-180] and 19.1.9 [pp. 244-246] in the 7th ed.).

Footnote-Bibliography Forms (use Headline Capitalization)

Notes (Brown Book, White Book, and Web Site)

3Stan Shewmaker, "Identification," in Guidelines for World Evangelism, ed. George P. Gurganus (Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press, 1976), 58.


3Stan Shewmaker, "Identification," in Guidelines for World Evangelism, ed. George P. Gurganus (Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press, 1976; reprint, Abilene, TX: ACU Press), 58.


3Stan Shewmaker, "Identification," in Guidelines for World Evangelism, ed. George P. Gurganus (Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press, 1976; reprint, Abilene, TX: ACU Press), under "Introduction," (accessed September 22, 2008).

where 58 is a page number.

Subsequence is:

4Shewmaker, 59.

Bibliography (Brown Book, White Book, and Web Site)

Shewmaker, Stan. "Identification." In Guidelines for World Evangelism, edited by George P. Gurganus, 57-80. Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press, 1976.


Shewmaker, Stan. "Identification." In Guidelines for World Evangelism, edited by George P. Gurganus, 57-80. Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press, 1976. Reprint, Abilene, TX: ACU Press.


Shewmaker, Stan. "Identification." In Guidelines for World Evangelism, edited by George P. Gurganus, 57-80. Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press, 1976. Reprint, Abilene, TX: ACU Press. (accessed September 22, 2008).

Parenthetical Reference-Reference List Forms (use Sentence capitalization)

Parenthetical Reference

(Shewmaker 1976, 58)


(Shewmaker 1976, under "Introduction")

Reference List (Brown Book, White Book, and Web Site)

Shewmaker, Stan. 1976. Identification. In Guidelines for world evangelism, ed. George P. Gurganus, 57-80. Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press.


Shewmaker, Stan. 1976. Identification. In Guidelines for world evangelism, ed. George P. Gurganus, 57-80. Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press. Reprint, Abilene, TX: ACU Press.


Shewmaker, Stan. 1976. Identification. In Guidelines for world evangelism, ed. George P. Gurganus, 57-80. Abilene, TX: Biblical Research Press. Reprint, Abilene, TX: ACU Press. (accessed September 22, 2008).

Note that "World Evangelism" is capitalized in the Footnote-Bibliography Form but not in the Parenthetical Reference-Reference List Form.

Note that Place of Publication always precedes Publishers Name separated by a colon.

Note that the date comes after the publisher in Footnote-Bibliography Form and after the author in the Parenthetical Reference-Reference List Form.

The bibliography page is titled BIBLIOGRAPHY in Footnote-Bibliography Form and REFERENCES in the Parenthetical Reference-Reference List Form.

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