Name _________________________________________

Isaac and Jacob
Genesis 24-35

  1. Who did Abraham's servant find as a wife for Isaac? What was her brother's name?


  2. What was the name of Abraham's concubine after Sarah died?


  3. How old was Abraham when he died?


  4. What was Jacob's brother's name? What two things did Jacob get from him?


  5. How many wives (including concubines) did Jacob end up with?


  6. What were the names of Leah's first four sons?


  7. Who did Rachel give to Jacob to serve as a surrogate mother for her? What sons were born to this union?


  8. Who did Leah give to Jacob to serve as a surrogate mother for her? What sons were born to this union?


  9. What was the name of Rachel's first natural-born son?


  10. What other name was given to Jacob?


  11. How old was Isaac when he died?


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