The World's Largest Cities in 1997

The World's 20 Largest Metropolitan Areas

Rank City & Country          Population US Rank UN Rank
  1  Tokyo-Yokomama, Japan   28,447,000     1       1  
  2  Mexico City, Mexico     23,913,000     2       2  
  3  Sao Paulo, Brazil       21,539,000     3       3  
  4  Seoul, South Korea      19,065,000     4      10  
  5  New York City, U.S.A.   16,332,000     5       4  
  6  Bombay, India           15,138,000     7       5  
  7  Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto,Japan  14,060,000     6      12  
  8  Shanghai, China         13,584,000    24       6  
  9  Calcutta, India         12,885,000     8       8  
 10  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  12,788,000     9      14  
 11  Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.  12,410,000    16       7  
 12  Buenos Aires, Argentina 12,232,000    10       9  
 13  Tehran, Iran            11,681,000    11      --  
 14  Manila, Philippines     11,342,000    12      --  
 15  Beijing, China          11,299,000    31      11  
 16  Cairo, Egypt            11,155,000    13      --  
 17  Jakarta, Indonesia      11,151,000    14      --  
 18  Moscow, Russia          10,769,000    15      --  
 19  Lagos, Nigeria          10,287,000    18      13  
 20  Delhi, India            10,105,000    17      15  
  1. This information is a combined ranking taking from U.S. and U.N. sources and using the higher estimate from each source. The U.S. estimates on Chinese cities seems low.
  2. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates for the 100 largest cities in 1995 are found in the Information Please Almanac for 1997. The U.N. estimates for the 15 largest cities in 1996 are found in the 1998 World Almanac.
  3. Cities are defined here, not according to political units, but as contiguous areas of population of at least 5,000 people per square mile.
  4. The next three cities in order are Karachi, Pakistan; London, UK; and Paris, France, all with about 9 million.
  5. Of these 20 cities, 11 are in Asia, 3 in North America, 3 in South America, 2 in Africa, and 1 in Europe.

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