American Indian Population by Reservations and Jurisdictional Areas

1990 | 2000 | 2010

AIEA (American Indians, Eskimos, Aluets)
1990 Census of Population (1993 Figures)
By Reservations and Trust Lands by Rank
Greater than 5,000 Population

    Reservation       AIEA Population   State    Tribe(s)          
 1. Navajo                143,507      AZ,NM,UT  Navajo            
 2. Pine Ridge             11,006         SD     Dakota (Sioux)    
 3. Fort Apache             9,902         AZ     Apache            
 4. Gila River              9,101         AZ     Pima, Maricopa    
 5. Papago                  8,490         AZ     Papago            
 6. Rosebud                 7,998         SD     Dakota (Sioux)    
 7. Zuni                    7,094         NM     Zuni              
 8. San Carlos              7,060         AZ     Apache            
 9. Blackfeet               7,031         MT     Blackfeet         
10. Hopi                    7,002         AZ     Hopi              
11. Turtle Mountain         6,730         ND     Chippewa          
12. Yakima                  6,198         WA     Yakima, others    
13. Osage                   6,100         OK     Osage             
14. Fort Peck               5,822         MT     Assiniboin, Dakota
15. Wind River              5,717         WY     Shoshoni, Arapaho 
16. Eastern Cherokee        5,287         NC     Cherokee          
17. Flathead                5,128         MT     Salish, Kutenai   
18. Cheyenne River          5,092         SD     Dakota (Sioux)    

1990 | 2000

AIEA (American Indians, Eskimos, Aluets)
1990 Census of Population (1993 Figures)
By Tribal Jurisdictional Statistical Areas [TJSA]
(All in Oklahoma)
Greater than 5,000 Population

   Tribe                                             Population
1. Cherokee TJSA                                       66,435  
2. Creek TJSA                                          45,190  
3. Choctaw TJSA                                        28,245  
4. Chickasaw TJSA                                      21,013  
5. Kiowa-Comanche-Apache-Ft. Sill Apache TJSA          12,979  
6. Cheyenne-Arapaho TJSA                                6,824  
7. Absentee Shawnee-Citizens Band of Potawatomi TJSA    6,129  

1990 | 2000

AIEA (American Indians, Eskimos, Aluets)
1990 Census of Population (1993 Figures)
By Tribal Designated Statistical Area [TDSA]
Greater than 5,000 Population

  Tribe                          State          Population   
1. Lumbee TDSA                     NC             28,775     
2. United Houma Nation TDSA        LA             10,018     
3. Coquille Indian TDSA            OR              6,138     

1990 | 2000 | 2010

AIEA (American Indians, Eskimos, Aluets)
1990 Census of Population (1993 Figures)
By Alaska Native Regional Corporation [ANRC]
(All in Alaska)
Greater than 5,000 Population

  Tribe                                          Population
1. Cook Inlet                                      18,911  
2. Calista (this ANRC has the most Eskimos)        16,701  
3. Sealaska                                        11,684  
4. Doyon                                           10,772  
5. Bering Straits                                   6,173  
6. NANA                                             5,241  

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