1983Traditional Religion in West Africa. Nairobi: Uzima
This is a collection of forty-three articles by
African, Christian leaders, covers rites of passage,
festivals, morality, mythology, and the idea of man and
God. It is meant to be a text for African Christian
Baldick, Julian
1989Mystical Islam. New York: New York University Press.
Sufism has had a major impact on the shaping of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa. This is an introductory text
covering the history and practices of Islam's mystics.
A large section is dedicated to Christian influences on
Fenton, Thomas P. and Heffron, Mary J., editors
1987Africa: A Directory of Resources. Maryknoll: Orbis
Over 140 pages of annotated organizations,
books, periodicals, pamphlets, and audiovisual
materials. It contains a detailed and cross referenced
Hackett, Rosalind I. J., editor
1987New Religious Movements in Nigeria, Lewiston, New York:
Edwin Mellen Press.
The history and practices of ten
Nigerian independent churches are discussed. Additional articles deal with public acceptance of the independent
churches and reasons for the increase in the number of
these churches.
Hadjor, Kofi Buenor
1987 On Transforming Africa: Discourse with Africa's Leaders.
Trenton: Africa World Press.
Hadjor, a Ghanaian, offers
a solid and insightful critique of African leadership.
He explains the failures and suggests sound ways of
protecting the wealth and education for future
advancement. This book has been widely read in most
countries that have experienced the dramatic political
changes of the past two years.
Harrison, Christopher
1988 France and Islam in West Africa, 1860-1960. New York:
Cambridge University Press. A case study of the Islamic
community of Kano, Nigeria. The community is seen as an
economic, political, and religious culture.
Hastings, Adrian
1979 A History of African Christianity, 1950-1975, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. The relationship between
church and state, the growth of historic churches, and
the moves toward independence are detailed for the
entire continent. The sections on independence discuss
why the churches broke with the missions and their
present relationship with the mother church.
Heusch, Luc de
1985Sacrifice in Africa: A Structuralist Approach:
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. A critique and
reappraisal of Evans-Pritchards commentary on sacrifice
among the Nuer of Sudan. Heusch contends Evans-
Pritchard's observations were colored by his Judaeo-
Christian background.
Hildebrandt, Jonathan
1990 History of the Church in Africa, Achimota, Ghana: Africa
Christian Press. Hildebrandt discusses African
contributions toward the spread of Christianity from the
first century until modern times. He traces the path of
growth which has made Christianity the leading religion
on the continent.
Hull, Richard W.
1976 African Cities and Towns Before the European Conquest:
New York: W. W. Norton and Company. This short work,
filled with maps, photos, and charts, traces the history
of African cities from the third century until
colonization. Particular emphasis is placed on the
function of cities in traditional African life.
Iliffe, John
1989The African Poor: A History. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Iliffe' scholarly and well documented
work compares the historical and contemporary experience
and care of the poor in Christian, Islamic, pastoral,
rural and urban settings.
Kato, Byang H.
1987 Biblical Christianity in Africa. Achimota, Ghana: Africa
Christian Press. This collection of five of Kato's last
lectures plea for a more Biblical based Christianity in
Africa and a critique of syncritism in African
Levtzion, Nehemia and Fisher, Humphrey J., editors
1987 Rural and Urban Islam in West Africa. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner Publishers. Islam fits best in an urban setting
according to the authors. The power of the leaders and
the economics of the system are discussed. The Muslim
pedagogical practices are revealed.
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism
1980 Lausanne Occasional Papers: Christian Witness to People
of African Traditional Religions. Wheaton: Lausanne
Committee for World Evangelization. The short twenty
pages of this booklet define African Traditional Religion
in seven easily understood theses. It is a must for
those who are just beginning message formulations for
Maillu, David G.
1988 Our Kind of Polygamy, Nairobi: Heinmann Kenya. Maillu
details the reasons for African polygamy. He contends
there is strong love in polygamous marriages. The
Christian objection is discussed as well as
recommendations for successful polygamous unions.
Nthamburi, Z.
1991 African Church at the Crossroads: Strategy for
Indigenization, Nairobi: Uzima Press. This is a good
leadership training text written by an Africa to
Africans. Nthamburi discusses message formulation and
strategies for reaching the unreached.
Parkin, David and Nyamwaya, David, editors
1987Transformations of African Marriage. Manchester:
Manchester University Press. This is a collection of
nineteen major essays for the International African
Seminars series. The writers point out the changes in
African marriage makes it difficult classify them easily
by Levi-Straus' terms of exchange and alliance nor
Forte's terms of decent. The legal and social
contemporary complexities of marriages are discussed in
specific rural and urban settings.
Peek, Philip M., editor
1991 African Divination Systems: Ways of Knowing. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press. The opening articles concern
initiation and training of diviners. The lifestyle of
diviners from a dozen nations is described. The final
articles deal with the origin of divined knowledge.
Amsay, Dr. Jeff, editor
1991Global Studies: Africa. (Fourth Edition) Guilford,
Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing Group. This annual is
the most concise and up to date guide to the demographic,
political, and historical backgrounds of each African
state. Articles from the African press provide an
overview of famine, war, and political change.
Shorter, Aylward
1985Jesus and the Witchdoctor: An Approach to Healing and
Wholeness. Maryknoll: Orbis Books. This is an excellent
work comparing and contrasting the work of Jesus and
Africa's traditional healers. The discussion of evil and
sickness is of importance to all who minister to
Amsay, Dr. Jeff, editor
1991Global Studies: Africa. (Fourth Edition) Guilford,
Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing Group. This annual is
the most concise and up to date guide to the demographic,
political, and historical backgrounds of each African
state. Articles from the African press provide an
overview of famine, war, and political change.
Shorter, Aylward
1985Jesus and the Witchdoctor: An Approach to Healing and
Wholeness. Maryknoll: Orbis Books. This is an excellent
work comparing and contrasting the work of Jesus and
Africa's traditional healers. The discussion of evil and
sickness is of importance to all who minister to
1991The Church in the African City: Maryknoll: Orbis Books.
The history of African cities and a view of what they
will be in the future is presented with first hand
anecdotes. Shorter deals with issues such as pastoral
care for urban youth, correcting the nominalism in city
churches, and fighting secular influences in urban
Skjonsberg, Else
1989 Change in an African Village: West Hartford, Connecticut:
Kumarian Press. The social and religious changes which
take place in the Chewa (Zambia) village are described in
this extremely gripping ethnography. It is not solely an
author's view of the village, but quotes and anecdotes
from life in the village fill the book.
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