Journal of Applied Missiology, Volume 7, Number 2


Paul Robison, C.P. 62,
33052 Cervignano, Italy

You are an elder wanting to learn more about the religion of the people with whom your missionary is working. You are a missionary searching for some ideas on how to develop leadership. You are a teacher in a congregation who wants to increase your students' awareness of missions. You may be surprised to learn that there are materials already available which might meet you needs! Several accredited religious schools offer graduate level missions courses by extension. Some schools, like Fuller Theological Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, offer these courses for credit only (at $100.00-$200.00 per hour). However, some schools also offer these courses for enrichment (at $35-$50 per hour). The courses usually include a syllabus, taped or videod lectures, and a study guide. Several textbooks will be recommended (which are not included in the tuition fee).

The graduate level courses come from six schools. The following abbreviations will be used to identify them:

  1. Columbia Graduate School of Missions (CGSM), P.O. Box 3122, Columbia, SC 29230-3122, Attention: Michael J. Brown, 803-754-4100.
  2. Fuller Theological Seminary (FLTS), School of World Mission, 135 N. Oakland Ave., Pasadena, CA 91182, Attention: J.D. Woodberry, 818-584-5286.
  3. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS), Independent Study Program, 130 Essex St., South Hamilton, MA 01982, 508-468-7111.
  4. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Office of Continuing Education, 2065 Half Day Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015, 708-317-6550.
  5. Wheaton College Graduate School (WCGS), Extension and Continuing Education, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187-5593, Attention: J.J. Stamoolis, 708-752-5944.
  6. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (WCBS), Department of External Studies, 5511 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97215, Attention: Jon Raibley, 503-233-8561.
This list of schools offering missions courses by extension is by no means exhaustive. It is not an endorsement of theological positions nor the ideas presented in the courses. All of the schools affirm that the Bible is God's word and most of the courses are designed to be practical.

In the following list of courses, each entry will mention: course title, abbreviation of the school, last name of the instructor, and hours of credit.

                    INTRODUCTION TO MISSIONS

School              Course Name               Instructor  Hours Credit 
CGSM      Introduction to Missions            Mulholland         3 
TEDS      Introduction to Christian Missions  Winter             3 
WCBS      Introduction to World Christian
          Missions                            Taylor             3 

                      THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS

CGSM      Biblical Theology of Missions       Steyne             3 
FLTS      Biblical Foundations of Mission     Van Engel          3 
FLTS      Pauline Theology and the Mission
          Church                              Gilliland          3 
TEDS      Theology of Mission and Evangelism  Peters             3 

                       HISTORY OF MISSIONS

CGSM      History of Mission                  Mulholland         3 
FLTS      Historical Development of the
          Christian Mission                   Pierson            3 
WCBS      History of Missions                 Kane               3 


CGSM      Social Anthropology for
          Missionaries                        Steyne             3 
FLTS      Anthropology                        Kraft              3 
FLTS      Missiological Approaches to
          Religions                           Shaw               3 


CGSM      China and Chinese Ministry          Luc                2 
CGSM      Folk Religions                      Steyne             3 
FLTS      Introduction to Islam               Woodberry          3 
TEDS      The Missionary's Encounter with
          World Religions                     Conn               3 
TEDS      World Religions                     Hesselgrave        4 
WCGS      China and Chinese Ministry          Tam                2 
WCGS      Christianity and China:  Issues in 
          Missions and Church History         Tam/Welliver       2 
WCBS      Ministry to Muslims                 Currah             2 


CGSM      Introduction to Personal
          Evangelism                          Jones              3 
CGSM      Urban Mission and Ministry          Miranda            3 
FLTS      Foundations of Church Growth        Wagner             3 
TEDS      Principles of Church Growth         Rommen             3 
WCBS      Urban Mission and Ministry          Greenway           3 

                     INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION

FLTS      Foundations of Leadership           Clinton            3 
WCBS      Dynamics of Spiritual Life          Howard             2 
WCBS      Studies in Leadership               Howard             2 
WCBS      Foundations of Church Education     McBride            2 


TEDS      Interpersonal Communications and
          Conflict Management                 Gangel/Canine      3 
TEDS      Issues in Church Management         Benson/Senter      3 
WCBS      Church Leadership and 
          Administration                      Gangel             2 


CGSM      Theologies of Liberation            Mulholland         3 
GCTS      Tentmaking Witness at Home and
          Abroad                              Wilson             3 
WCGS      Contextualization of Theology       Gration            4 
WCGS      Theology of Development in World
          Perspective                         McConnell          2 
WCBS      Philosophy of Mission               Smith              2
If you wish to take courses towards a degree, most of these schools will allow you to apply about 12 hours of credit towards said degree. The materials are available. The cost is not outlandish. Why not try an extension course?


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