Journal of Applied Missiology, Volume 6, Number 2



Michael Landon, Hammond, Louisiana
Ed Matthews, Abilene, Texas

The purpose of this interview schedule is to help North American church leaders ask appropriate questions when they visit the missionaries they support. The interview is designed to increase knowledge, respect, and accountability between the missionary and the supporting church.

The interview guide assumes that the church leader knows little about foreign culture and mission work. For those who possess such knowledge, several questions become irrelevant and should be omitted.

The schedule is divided into three sections: (1) the needs of the missionary, (2) the local culture, and (3) the work of the missionary. The last page contains a short list of resources about missions that might be profitable for the church leader to read before interviewing the missionary.

The importance of church leaders visiting missionaries they support on the field can hardly be overemphasized. The value of showing such interest is beneficial for both the missionaries and the church leaders. That value is greatly enhanced when appropriate questions are asked in a sensitive and caring manner. Therefore, it is suggested that the church leader:

The heart of a strong and enduring relationship between supporting churches and missionaries is frank and frequent communication. The suggested interview schedule that follows is an attempt to provide a basis for such communication to occur.

    Missionary Needs

  1. In view of communication from your supporting church, is it:

  2. How is your family in terms of:

  3. What would you like your supporting church to continue doing for you?

  4. What would you like your supporting church to do differently for you?

    Local Culture

  5. Considering the local religion:

  6. Regarding local family structure:

  7. In the light of the economy:

  8. In the eyes of the government, how do they view:

  9. In the area of local decision making:

    Missionary Work

  10. In what types of work are you involved?

  11. In view of what you do:

  12. Regarding outreach:

  13. In your work, what are the greatest:

  14. What kind of a relationship do you have with fellow missionaries?

  15. Describe an average week in your life on the mission field regarding:

  16. How has the work grown:

  17. In what ways is the church learning to:

  18. In view of the future of the work:


GURGANUS, George, ed.
1976 World Evangelism. Abilene, Texas: Biblical Research Press.

HARDIN, Daniel C.
1978 Mission: A Practical Approach. South Pasadena, California: William Carey Library.

1991 The Paul and Barnabas Syndrome. Fort Worth, Texas: Star Bible Publications.

LINGENFELTER, Sherwood and MAYERS, Marvin
1986 Ministering Cross-Culturally. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.

O'DONNELL, Kelly and O'DONNELL, Michele, eds.
1988 Helping Missionaries Grow. Pasadena, California: William Carey Library.

SLATE, C. Philip, ed.
1988 Perspectives on Worldwide Evangelization. Searcy, Arkansas: Resource Publications.

WINTER, Ralph and HAWTHORNE, Steve, eds.
1981 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Pasadena, California: William Carey Library.

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