Journal of Applied Missiology, Volume 2, Number 2


Missiological Resources

Evertt W. Huffard

General Missiology

Abraham, William J.

1989 The Logic of Evangelism. Eerdmans. Defining evangelism as initiating people into the kingdom, Abraham critiques contemporary church growth and evangelism from a theological perspective. A good text for a graduate level course on evangelism.

Agbet, J.K.

1990 West African Church History: Christian Missions and Theological Training 1842-1970. E.J. Brill. This is an account of how missionaries trained indigenous leaders. It covers British, German, Swiss, and American Protestants as well as two Roman Catholic orders.

Allan, J.D.

1989 The Story of a Great Movement. Baker. A very simple, well illustrated summary of the expansion of Christianity, with a focus on evangelical missions.

Anderson, Gerald H., J.M. Phillips, and R.T. Coote, eds.

1991 Mission in the Nineteen 90's. Eerdmans. A collection of recent articles from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research. A very helpful source for contemporary issues in missiology and introduction to some leading missiologists.

Bonk, Johnathan J.

1989 The Theory and Practice of Missionary Identification 1860- 1920. Edwin Mellen Press. A well documented study of identification by missionaries from the London Missionary Society in central Africa and China. The spheres of study are linguistic, material-social, political-economic, and religious-educational.

Bosch, David J.

1991 Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Evangelization. Orbis. Bosch, a Professor of Missiology at the University of South Africa treats six historical epochs of Christian history as paradigm shifts in which the transcendent and immanent are intrinsically linked. He responds to the challenges of Enlightenment and the onset of postmodernity.

Bowen, Earle and Dorthy Bowen

1989 "Contextualizing Teaching Methods in Africa." Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 25 (3):270-275. Drawing from his dissertation on cognitive styles of African theological students, a distinction is made between field-dependent (seeing whole instead of the parts) and field-independent (separating the elements). They tested 205 students in Africa, 91% were field-dependent. Suggestions are given to shift theological education to the African style of learning.

Carpenter, Joel A. and Wilbert R. Shenk

1990 Earthen Vessels: American Evangelicals and Foreign Missions, 1880-1980. Eerdmans. North American churches are sending more missionaries but 90% of them are not affiliated with mainline Protestant mission boards. The book traces premillennial eschatology, fundamentalist-modernist controversies, rise of independent missions, role of World War II, and growing Two-Third World's evangelical leaders.

Chao, Jonathan, ed.

1989 The China Mission Handbook. Hong Kong: Chinese Church Research Center. An invaluable resource for Christianity in China. Part I gives the history of Christianity in China and the dynamics of its growth. Part II is a guide to Chins's provinces and minorities. Part III has six very practical chapters on bibliographical sources on China, city directories, directories of registered churches and tips for Christian visitors to China.

Coggins, James R. and Paul G. Hiebert

1989 Wonders and the Word. Kindred Press. A critique of the Wagner/Wimber "signs and wonders" philosophy of church growth.

Dayton, Edward R. and David A. Fraser

1990 Planning Strategies for World Evangelization. Eerdmans. A major revision of the 1980 edition that helps sending churches and missions teams ask the right questions at ten phases in the process of evangelizing worldwide. A good text for sending churches and mission committees.

Demarest, Burch H. and Richard J. Harpel

1989 "Don Richardson's Redemptive Analogies and the Biblical Data of Revelation," Bibliatheca Sacra, July - September, 583:330- 340. Richardson's concept of redemptive analogies is critiqued and rejected, claiming only scripture will bear lasting fruit

Douglas, J. D., editor

1990 Proclaim Christ Until He Comes. Minneapolis, MN: World Wide Publications. The text of the papers, videos, and reports at Lausanne II in Manila in July, 1989. The major divisions of the book follow the conference theme: "Calling the Whole Church to take the Whole Gospel to the Whole World." While this conference lacks the theological and informational depth of Lausanne I, it broadened worldview and motivated people to action. Presentations by Colin Chapman, Peter Kuzmic, John Stott, and Os Guinness were exceptionally good. The 42 "tracks" or topics provide valuable criteria for "covering our bases" in missiological training.

Echerd, Pam and Alice Arathoon, eds.

1989 Understanding and Nurturing the Missionary Family. (Volume 1) William Carey Library. This volume represents the papers of the 1987 Quito, Ecuador meeting of the International Conference on Missionary Kids (ICMK). It covers topics like identity formation, stresses, parenting, and educational options. 1989 Planning for MK Nurture. (Volume 2) William Carey Library. A volume specifically for professionals who minister to Missionary Kids. There are papers from the ICMK in Quito in 1987.

Engle, James F.

1990 "The Road to Conversion: The Latest Research Insights," Evangelical Missions Quarterly, April, 26(2):184-193. A review of major findings from over thirty studies on decision process research. Implication and unresolved issues are given.

Garrison, David V.

1990 The Nonresidential Missionary. MARC. Garrison directs the work of 46 nonresidential missionaries in 30 countries for the Southern Baptist Convention. They are targeting 200 million of the world's least evangelized peoples. Garrison presents an innovative strategy for missions beyond such barriers as restricted access countries. Appendix Two (p. 147-155) gives very helpful instruction on how to research population groups.

Gilliland, Dean S., ed.

1989 The Word Among Us: Contextualizing Theology for Missions Today. Dallas: Word Publishing. A study of the foundations and ministry of contextualization produced by the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary (SWM).

Hedlund, Roger E.

1991 The Mission of the Church in the World: A Biblical Theology. Baker. A diachronic approach to mission theology in the Bible with a critical evaluation of contemporary theologies and issues.

Hesselgrave, David J. and Edward Rommen

1989 Contextualization: Meanings, Methods, and Models. Baker. Both professors from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Hesselgrave and Rommen give the historical background to contextualization. They give a very balanced basis for analysis from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, anthropology, hermeneutics, and communication.

Huffard, Evertt W.

1989 "Missions and the Servants of God (John 5)," Johannine Studies. James E. Priest, editor, Pepperdine University. An essay in a volume dedicated to Dr. Frank Pack. Three missiological themes are developed: the sovereignty of God, the glory of God, and partnership with God in missions.

Jansen, Frank Kaleb, ed.

1989 Target Earth: The Necessity of Diversity in a Holistic Perspective on World Mission. Global Mapping International. An excellently illustrated overview of 159 topics and 219 countries on human needs and global concerns.

Langmore, Diane

1989 Missionary Lives: Papua, 1874-1914. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. A detailed biography of 327 European missionaries who lived and worked in Papua.

Larkin, William J., Jr.

1989 Cultural and Biblical Hermeneutics: Interpreting and Applying the Authoritative Word in a Relativistic Age. Baker. A professor of Bible at Columbia Graduate School of Missions, Larkin contrasts evangelical and non-evangelical perspective on hermeneutics and culture. A good summary of evangelical thinking on the issue from the 1970's to the present. A good grasp of missiological issues, but does not offer adequate solutions to the problems. Proposes a step method of hermeneutics in a cultural context.

McGavran, Donald A.

1990 Understanding Church Growth. Eerdmans. Revised and edited by C. Peter Wagner. In this second revision of McGavran's original 1970 volume, about 35% of the 1980 revision has been deleted, including two whole chapters ("Discipling Urban Populations" and "Indigenous Church Principles and Growing Churches.") A chapter was added on "Divine Healing and Church Growth," with less than scholarly references to "hard-headed Christians" who were skeptical about divine healing (p. 150). Other deletions include common reasons for growth (1980:292- 293), two of seven principles for coping with redemption and lift (1980:307-9), and a majority of the case studies.

Mulholland, Kenneth

1991 "Donald McGavran's Legacy to Evangelical Missions," Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 27(1):62-70. Five theses of McGavran are identified as his legacy to missiology: God wants churches to grow, growth as a criteria, culture rather than geography, urban priority, and strategy based on research.

Niemyer, Larry

1990 "Church Growth in Nairobi, Kenya: A Case Study," Urban Missions, 8(1):45-54. A demographic study of Nairobi reports the growth of 27 new churches each year from 1973-1985.

Pollock, David C.

1989 "Strategies for Dealing with Crisis in Missionary Kid Education," International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 13(1):13-19. An essay on the issues in missionary kid education with evaluation of eight alternatives.

Roberts, W. Dayton and John A. Siewert, eds.

1989 Mission Handbook: USA/Canada Protestant Ministries Overseas. 14th edition. MARC/Zondervan. A basic reference for church and para-church ministries worldwide. Note essays on opportunities, sending church, and vocational mission in this edition.

Schreiter, Robert J.

"Teaching Theology From an Intercultural Prospective," ATS Theological Education 26(1):13-34. A discussion of methodological issues in intercultural hermeneutics.

Schultz, Dorothy Holsinger

1989 Mini-Missions Conference: A Missions Adventure for Children. Fullerton, CA: R.C. Law and Co. A 32-lesson, 7 volume mission education program for all ages.

Shaw, R. Daniel

1990 "Culture and Evangelism: A Model for Missiological Strategy," Missiology, 18(3):291-304. Shaw shows the value of the "Three-Cultural Model" in developing an evangelistic strategy in a kinship, peasant, or industrial society.

Swanson, Allen J.

1989 "Decisions or Disciples? A Study in Evangelism Effectiveness in Taiwan," Missiology, 17(1):53-68. A case study of retention in Taiwan leads to the conclusion that evangelism will need to be viewed as a process rather than a specific action. The survey of drop-outs revealed only one in three had any follow-up.

Thomas, Norman E.

1990 "Globalization and the Teaching of Mission," Missiology, 18(1):13-23. In response to the ATS call for globalization as a major emphasis in the 1990's, he predicts missions will move from the periphery to the integrative core of theological curriculum. A new paradigm in theological education will change the role of missiologists and the resources for missiology.

Williams, C.P.

1990 The Idea of the Self-Governing Church. E.J. Brill. Williams gives evidence that Henry Venn was not the lone advocate of the 3-self formula. He represented the thinking of many, and after his death it was the standard principle for CMS. Under the influence of Eugene Stock, after the turn of the century, it was abandoned.

White, Charles O.

1990 The Missionary Myth: A Realistic Look at Mission Work. J.C. Choate Publications. As missionaries in Lyon, France, the Whites struggled with seven myths about mission work. Charles White has written a practical thirteen lesson book that every mission committee and missionary needs. Topics include decision to go, qualifications, mission philosophy, fund- raising, spirituality, family relationships, apprentices, sponsoring church, and furloughs.

Missions and Modernity

Barna, George

1990 The Frog in the Kettle: What Christians Need to Know About Life in the Year 2000. Ventura, CA: Regal. Much of the data and projections Barna provides can be applied to mission interests in American churches by the end of the 90's. What will be the plight of missions when time becomes the primary value (p. 39)? When high expectations force churches to do only a few things but with excellence (p. 44)? When church programs include more entertainment-related activities (p. 93)? When giving will not be viewed as a priority (p. 107)?

Birch, Charles

1990 A Purpose for Everything: Religion in a Postmodern Worldview. 23rd Publication. Birch is an Australian biologist specializing in genetics who argues for a post modern view of the world as purposeful events and processes. Anyone seeking World Christian perspective in a modern society will find his axioms of a post modern worldview worth studying.

Bonk, Johathan J.

1991 Missions & Money: Affluence as a Western Missionary Problem. Orbis. Bonk, a Mennonite, addresses the problem of affluent (in the eyes of the world) missionaries living among the poor. He addresses contemporary and biblical perspectives on the problem, offering a challenge to live simple life styles to avoid feelings of hostility among indigenous leaders.

Dyrness, William A.

1989 How Does America Hear the Gospel? Eerdmans. An excellent essay on three cultural values that challenge evangelism and missions: pragmatism, optimism, and individualism. This is of particular value to a new team as they cope with their own American cultural values.

Gallagher, Michael Paul

1990 Struggles of Faith. Dublin: Columbus Press. A series of essays representing Catholic struggles with modernity in Ireland. Of particular value is the essay on the results of faith formation of 290 youths that would help in cultivating a sense of world missions on a campus.

Myers, Kenneth A.

1989 All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes: Christians and Popular Culture. Crossway. In my judgment, this is one of the best books available to help us understand the cultural challenges to our college students who are thinking about missions or ministry. The distinctions between popular culture and traditional culture (p. 120) can easily be applied to non-mission and mission minded Christians in matters of reflection, immediacy, individualism, secularism, and consumerism.

Newbigin, Lesslie

1989 The Gospel in a Pluralist Society. Eerdmans. Globalization and urbanization continue to create new problems for evangelists as they engage a pluralistic world. He continues the attack on a privatized religion typical to evangelical circles that he began in Foolishness to the Greeks. "There is, and there can be, no private salvation, no salvation which does not involve us with one another" (p. 82). He calls for a church with a greater public life.

Schaller, Lyle E.

1990 Choices for Churches. Abingdon. Rapid changes in society affect churches and too often their mission ministry. Schaller gives a helpful analysis of options for churches in deciding their style of ministry, whether to relocate, what an old downtown church can do, and so on. He recognized that the rarest approach to ministry is a church organized around the support of and involvement in world-wide missions (p. 36). If the most popular style is a preacher centered church, more needs to be done to orient preachers to missions.

Wuthnow, Robert

1989 The Struggle for America's Soul: Evangelicals, Liberals, and Secularism. Eerdmans. A sociology professor at Princeton University, Wuthnow critiques the privatization of religion in America. Of particular interest is his assessment of the influence of culture on religious schools. He argues that evangelicals and liberals are very much related to their culture when churches really need to engage in a rethinking of public values.

Urban Ministry and Development

Beisner, E. Calvin

1990 Prospects for Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future. Crossway. The ninth book in a series which takes seriously the task of becoming a "World Christian" and thinking globally. Beisner assumes we have some responsibility for the escalation in poverty, pollution, and population explosions. His attention to these mega- challenges would make it a must for those interested in agricultural or other vocational missions in the Third World.

Coffey, Ian, et. al.

1989 No Stranger in the City: God's Concern for Urban People. InterVarsity. Nine essays on communicating the gospel to people in the city.

Ellison, Edgar J., ed.

1989 Christian Relief and Development: Developing Workers for Effective Ministry. Word. A serious and well researched attempt to integrate benevolence and evangelism. A comprehensive study of historical, theological, and anthropological perspectives of Christian relief and development. This should be required reading for anyone involved in medical missions.

Greenway, Roger S. & Timothy M. Monsma

1989 Cities: Missions New Frontier. Baker. Possibly one of the best texts available on urban missions. It is not a manual for doing it, but provides a basis for developing a philosophy of urban missions. A wide variety of issues are addressed: Biblical basis for urban missions, evangelism and benevolence, ethnic diversity, models of outreach, stages of church development, poverty, raising a family in the city, and the question of church buildings.

Grigg, Viv.

1990 Companion to the Poor: Christ in the Urban Slums. MARC. A revision of the 1984 volume, the author shares his struggles with the temptation to treat people's spiritual needs in isolation from their poverty.

Lupton, Robert D.

1989 Theirs is the Kingdom: Celebrating the Gospel in Urban America. Harper & Row. Lupton moved to a high crime area of Atlanta to evangelize. The experience changed many of his assumptions about himself and the nature of poverty. A series of vignettes that should be required reading for anyone working in benevolence or urban evangelism.

Mann, David P.

1990 "Toward Understanding Gift-Giving in Relationships," Missiology, 18(1):49-60. The growing distance between rich Christians and a poor world creates constant problems for missionaries in Third World countries. Mann addresses critical issues that may help many of our missionaries by understanding the economic anthropology of gift-giving and how poverty affects what is sacred, relationships, obligation, power of the "rich man," and poor churches.

Ro, Bong Rin, ed.

1989 Urban Ministry in Asia - Cities: The Exploding Mission Field. Taiwan: Asian Theological Association. Theological issues in urban evangelism are developed in the specific context of Asia. Case studies focus on Taiwan, Jakarta, Singapore, and Manila. The chapters on factory evangelism, teaching grass- root Christians for ministry, and the role of students in city evangelism give useful suggestions for those involved in ministry in Asia.

World Religion

Crawford, S. Cromwell, ed.

1989 World Religions and Global Ethics. New York: Paragon House. Cross-cultural evangelism requires emic perspectives of worldviews different from our own. This reference work is of special value to those who seek to minister among the unreached populations of the world: Hindu, Buddhists, Jains, Chinese, Jews, Muslims, and Africans.

Dhammika, Shravasti

1990 Encounters with Buddhism. Singapore: Buddhist Research Society. A biographical account by fourteen men and women from East and West explaining why they became Buddhists.

Lamb, Christopher

1990 "An Evangelical Theology of Pluralism," Evangelical Review of Theology, 14(1):78-91. A recognition of truth in other religions is found in a theology of pluralism. An outward- looking church will build on existing truth and not conceal his or her faith.

Mallon, Elias

1989 Neighbors: Muslims in North America. Cincinnati, Ohio: Friendship Press. A series of interviews with nine Muslims for the purpose of introducing Christians to Muslims and create new images.

Warner, Paula M.

1990 "African Healer vs. Missionary Physician." Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 26(4):396-404. Treatment of psychiatric- emotional illnesses in Zaire involves both medical and traditional help. Solutions to this problem of dual treatment includes touch, involvement of the community, explanations of illness, time and a holistic approach.

Wessels, Anton

1990 Images of Jesus: Portrayed in Non-European Cultures. Eerdmans. Perspectives of Jesus among Jews, Muslims, Indians, Africans, Hindus, Buddhists, and Taoists. He investigates how Jesus and culture interconnect.

Woodberry, J. Dudley, ed.

1989 Muslims and Christians on the Emmaus Road. MARC. The most complete publication to date on Muslim evangelism addressing the issues in contextualization, means of witness, spiritual encounters, and resources.


A Letter Home.

Peek over the shoulder of translator Ken Swift as he writes "A Letter Home" to a friend, describing work among the Caquinte Campa people of Peru. "God's timing is perfect," Ken says. While a Caquinte man searched for the creator, Ken and his wife Joy were growing up as missionary kids in Peru. God called them separately and then brought them together to answer the heart longings of the Caquinte in their search for God. Sit beside Ken and Joy as they establish friendships with these highly skilled jungle dwellers. In this video, you will glimpse some of the complex steps which were taken in Bible translation and literacy - steps which eventually led to changed lives. This video is not a complete description of all that translators do, but it explains the role linguistics plays in translating scripture into an unwritten language. Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O Box 2727, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, (714) 969-4630.

A Tough Place to Play.

Illustrates the growing urbanization and urban poverty in developing nations around the world, produced by UNICEF. Emphasizes access to resources, migration, self-reliance, and survival skills of urban dwellers. Lifelong Learning, University of California, Extension Media Center, Berkeley, CA 94720, (415) 642-0469. [Also note their films on Religion, Geography, History, Poverty, Urban Crisis, Anthropology, and World Affairs].

Hudson Taylor.

An 85 minute film available in English and Spanish covering the early years of Taylor's ministry, arrival in shanghai, death of Maria, and the development of CIM. Good dramatization of a man who believed "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply."

Sword & Spirit:

A Six-Part Documentary Series Explaining the Cutting Edge of Christianity Around the World. The host, Charles Elliott goes to Korea, Brazil, Poland, China, Ivory Coast, and USA to ask the question: "Why is it that people have chosen to risk their lives for their faith in these places?" Mass Media Ministries, 2116 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD, 21218 (Co- produced with BBC-TV).  

To Every People.

A four-part series exploring the tribal world, social dimensions of Hindu worship, strong cultural ties in Islam, and the experiences of the Chinese church. A colorful documentary of rituals, history, pageants, and people. Intervarsity Video, P.O. Box 7895, Madison, WI 53707-7895/(800) 828-2100/(608) 274-9001.

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