The Ten Commandments & Other Laws (Ex. 20-24)

  1. What would a master do to a bondservant who didn't want to be freed from his slavery?

  2. What was the price of freedom for a slave wife when her husband took another wife and diminished her food, clothing, or sexual rights?

  3. What should happen to a person who hits or curses his parents?

  4. What was the penalty for causing a miscarriage?

  5. What was the restitution if something a) borrowed or b) rented was destroyed?

  6. What was the penalty for seducing an unbetrothed virgin?

  7. How much interest could Israelites charge fellow Israelites on a loan?

  8. What three feasts were all males commanded to attend?

  9. What did Moses write and what did Moses read to the people?

  10. In what two places did Moses throw the blood of the covenant?

  11. Who all went up to see the God of Israel? What was under His feet?
N.B. You should be prepared to name the ten commandments for a possible pop quiz next class period and certainly for the final exam!
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Last updated on January 24, 2003
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