Ezekiel 25-33
- Who did God tell Ezekiel was going to destroy the city of Tyre?
- Against whom is the prophecy and lament of chapter 28 spoken?
- What did the prince with the proud heart say he was and where did he sit? What did God say he was?
- What kind of death and by the hands of whom would the prince die?
- In what two places does God say the king was? With what kind of heavenly creature does He associate the king?
- How would Egypt rank among the kingdoms when God restored it from captivity?
- When Pharaoh king of Egypt was destroyed by the king of Babylon, what did God say would happen to the sun, moon, and stars?
- What does God not have pleasure in? What will not deliver or save a righteous man when he sins and transgresses?
- On what day was Ezekiel told that Jerusalem had fallen? What happened to Ezekiel on that day?
- What did the Israelites show with their mouths? What was their heart set on or full of?
- What was Ezekiel like to the Israelites after Jerusalem fell?
http://www.bterry.com/prophets/ezek25-33.htm hosted at http://bible.ovc.edu/terry/prophets/ezek25-33.htm
Last updated on November 4, 2010
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