Isaiah 1-9: Homework

  1. How was Israel different from an ox or a donkey?


  2. What does God not take pleasure or delight in?


  3. When shall the mountain of the Lord's house be established?


  4. What did the vineyard of the beloved yield?


  5. On whom all does Isaiah pronounce woes? (chap. 5)


  6. Describe the scene in the vision Isaiah had in the year that king Uzziah died:


  7. How did Isaiah answer God when He asked who would go for Him?


  8. What sign did Isaiah say that God was going to give Ahaz anyway, even though he refused to ask for a sign?


  9. What did God say would happen before Maher-shalal-hashbaz learned how to talk?


  10. What did God say not to call a conspiracy?


  11. What names would be given to the child who would be born to rule on David's throne?


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