Revelation 9
- What was the star given which fell after the fifth trumpet was blown? What did he do with it?
- Who and for how long did the locusts from the smoke torture?
- What did the locusts look and sound like?
- on their heads
- faces
- hair
- teeth
- skin
- wings
- tails
- Who was king over the locusts? (give his title, Hebrew name, and Greek name)
- Who was to be released when the sixth trumpet blew? Where had they been bound? What were they to kill when released?
- How many cavalry came out in John's vision? What were the colors of their breastplates?
- What did people who were not killed not repent of?
http://www.bterry.com/revelation/m-rev9.htm hosted at http://bible.ovu.edu/terry/revelation/m-rev9.htm
Last updated on March 12, 2004
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Copyright © 2004 Bruce Terry