Revelation 21-22
- To what did John compare the beauty of the new Jerusalem
coming down out of heaven?
- What will God give to the thirsty? How much will it cost?
- What kinds of sinners will be found in the burning lake of
fire and sulphur?
- How many gates will be in the new Jerusalem? Whose names are
written on the gates?
- What was the width and length of the new Jerusalem?
- What was growing on either side of the river in the new
Jerusalem? How often did it bear fruit?
- What provided light for the new Jerusalem?
- When does Jesus say He is coming?
- Who offers the invitation to come?
- What will happen to the one to adds or takes away from this
- What prayer to Jesus does John offer at the end of the book?
http://www.bterry.com/revelation/rev21-22.htm hosted at http://bible.ovu.edu/terry/revelation/rev21-22.htm
Last updated on March 10, 2004
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Copyright © 2002-2004 Bruce Terry