Revelation 21-22

  1. To what did John compare the beauty of the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven?

  2. What will God give to the thirsty? How much will it cost?

  3. What kinds of sinners will be found in the burning lake of fire and sulphur?

  4. How many gates will be in the new Jerusalem? Whose names are written on the gates?

  5. What was the width and length of the new Jerusalem?

  6. What was growing on either side of the river in the new Jerusalem? How often did it bear fruit?

  7. What provided light for the new Jerusalem?

  8. When does Jesus say He is coming?

  9. Who offers the invitation to come?

  10. What will happen to the one to adds or takes away from this book?

  11. What prayer to Jesus does John offer at the end of the book?

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Last updated on March 10, 2004
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