1. INTRODUCTION--Chap. 1

  2. Messages to the Seven Churches--Chap. 2-3 Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea

  3. SEQUENCE #1--Chap. 4-11

    1. Heavenly Worship--Chap. 4

    2. Prelude--Chap. 5

    3. Seven Seals--Chap. 6-8:1 White horse (conquest), Red horse (war), Black horse (famine), Green horse (Death), Souls of Martyrs under the Altar, Signs in heavens (cf. Mt. 24:29-30), [Interlude: 144,000 on earth; multitude in heaven] Silence for half an hour

    4. Seven Trumpets--Chap. 8:2-11:19 (warning plagues) Destroyed 1/3 of earth, 1/3 of sea, 1/3 of rivers, 1/3 of heavens, Locusts from bottomless pit 5 months., 1/3 of mankind destroyed by cavalry of 200 million, [Interlude: 7 thunders, John eats scroll, 2 witnesses] Reigning in Kingdom and dead judged (end of world)

  4. SEQUENCE #2--Chap. 12-14 woman with child (Israel?), great red dragon (Satan), male child (Christ), war in heaven, Satan defeated (v.10 res. & Pent.), offspring of woman (Christians), beast from sea (7 heads & 10 horns= political power), beast from earth (religious power), Lamb & 144,000, 3 proclaiming angels, Son of man on clouds, harvest

  5. SEQUENCE #3--Chap. 15-16 (7 bowls of wrath=last 7 plagues) [flashback & expansion; cf. 15:5 & 16:18-21 with 11:19] Destruction of Earth, Sea, Rivers, Sun, Throne of beast, Preparation for Armageddon, Destruction of Babylon

  6. SEQUENCE #4--Chap. 17-18 (expansion of 16:19) harlot on beast (Rome; cf. 17:18) [7 kings: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Muslim rule?] destruction of Babylon

  7. SEQUENCE #5--Chap. 19-20 Marriage supper of the Lamb, Defeat of beast & false prophet, Thousand year reign, Defeat of Satan, Judgment

  8. The New Jerusalem--Chap. 21-22:5 (glorified church)

  9. CONCLUSION--Chap. 22:6-21

See also the two page outline of Revelation
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