@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain("mail.google.com") { /* Unread rows - background and text f7fbf0 or fafffa*/ .zE {background-color: #f7fbf0 !important; color: #005000 !important;} /* Read rows - background and text */ .yO {background-color: #e9efdf !important; opacity: .9 !important; color: #005000 !important;} /* Selected rows */ .x7 {background-color: #ffcc66 !important;} /* Row dividers */ .xY {border-color: #8CBE8C !important;} /* Alternating colours in Conversation View for clearer separation of messages f7fbf0 or fffffa */ div.h7:nth-of-type(odd) div.adn.ads, div.kv:nth-of-type(odd){ background-color: #f7fbf0;} div.h7:nth-of-type(even) div.adn.ads, div.kv:nth-of-type(even){ background-color: #e9efdf; } /* Hover over read messages yellow 255,235,134 green yellow 173,255,47 */ table.zt tr.yO:hover { background-color: rgb(173,255,47) !important;} /* Hover over unread messages purple 204,188,204 plum 221,160,221 */ table.zt tr.zE:hover { background-color: rgb(204,188,204) !important;} }