Fill us with your Spirit, Lord,
Hear our song of praise.
We give thanks for your true word
As our voices raise.
Make us holy, clean within,
Sanctified by love.
Turn us from desires for sin,
Tune our hearts above.
Grow in us the Spirit's fruit:
Love and joy and peace,
Patience, kindness, faithfulness,
May growth never cease.
Goodness, meekness, self-control,
In our daily walk.
Build among us unity
Peace in all our talk.
Comfort us as is your work;
Give us help for life.
Grant us wisdom that is yours
So we avoid strife.
Glorify Jesus the Son.
We share his story
Lest you, Spirit, they resist
And miss his glory.
Spirit, give the church your gifts:
Make us servants true.
Help us teach and help us lead
And encourage too.
May we give so generously
That your church may grow.
May we show real mercy deeds
So the world will know.
Spirit, intercede for us
Every time we pray.
You alone know God's deep thought;
You know what to say.
Spirit, be our guarantee
After death to rise
When our Savior comes again
Passing through the skies.