Scripture Search On Honesty
- Which of the Ten Commandments have to do with honesty? Ex. 20
- What kind of spiritual belt are Christians to wear? Eph. 6:14
- What are Christians to speak and why? Eph. 4:25
- Why are Christians not to lie to one another? Col. 3:9-10
- What is one supposed to do rather than swearing to the truth of a statement? James 5:12
- What is one supposed to do rather than steal and why? Eph. 4:28
- What will happen to thieves and robbers? I Cor. 6:9-10
- How might one defraud his brother in a sexual manner? I Thess. 4:3-6
- What is the big lie that leads to other sins? Rom. 1:25
- How does one come to know the truth? John 8:31-32
Last updated on March 29, 2019
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