Scripture Search On Old Testament Forms Of Worship

  1. Was animal sacrifice commanded in the Old Testament? Lev. 1:5

  2. Was rest on the seventh day commanded in the Old Testament? Ex. 20:8-10

  3. Was circumcision commanded in the Old Testament? Lev. 12:3

  4. Was the eating of pigs forbidden in the Old Testament? Deut. 14:8

  5. Was sprinkling "holy water" commanded in the Old Testament? Num. 19:9, 13, 17-18, 20-21

  6. Was burning lamps or candles commanded in the Old Testament? Lev. 24:4

  7. Was instrumental music commanded in the Old Testament? 2 Chron. 29:25

  8. Was burning incense commanded in the Old Testament? Lev. 16:12-13

  9. Were priests commanded to wear robes in the Old Testament? Ex. 28:4

  10. Are any of the things listed above commanded in the New Testament?

  11. Was the Old Testament law abolished? Eph. 2:14-15

  12. Is a person supposed to obey an old commandment once it has been replaced with a new one? Num. 14:40-42

  13. Are Christians supposed to be circumcised as a religious act? Gal. 5:2-3

  14. What is the Christian sacrifice? Heb. 9:24-26

  15. What kind of music does God ask Christians to make? Eph. 5:19

  16. Are Old Testament forms of worship used as symbols in the book of Revelation? Rev. 8:3; 14:2

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