BIB 494 Sp. Top.: II Corinthians Instructor: Bruce Terry
Section: 01 Room: IAC 46 Day/Time: F 2:00-2:50pm
Office: Stotts (NC), Room 243 Telephone: 304/865-6120/295-6486
Office hours: MWF 1-2pm; TTh 1-2:30pm; MW 3-4pm; MT 4-5pm


Course Description

This course will focus on the introduction, background, and text of the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians. Special attention will be given to Paul's view of his own ministry as a church planter. Focus will be on the use of primary source material in understanding the Bible, especially the text of the Bible itself. As a sidelight, the use of the text of II Corinthians as it applies to current questions will be considered.

Course Objectives

  1. To acquaint the student with the historical events and teachings of the early church as found primarily in the book of II Corinthians
  2. To develop an academic understanding of reading an ancient text such as the Bible, with a focus on the use of primary source material
  3. To survey II Corinthians as related to introductory material and significant passages within it.
  4. To help the student come face to face in the scripture with the early Christians' experiences in following Jesus, thus providing a faith building experience for the student..

Attendance and Tardies

Attendance in class is mandatory; it will be part of the basis for the grade given. If you cannot attend for good reason, either notify me beforehand or as soon as possible afterward. This applies even if you have an excused absence. You will be expected to do all work of any classes missed, except for pop quizzes and daily homework. If you do not intend to attend regularly, kindly withdraw from the class now.

Do NOT miss class simply because you do not have an assignment finished. Do NOT miss class if you can possibly come; save any absences for sickness or death in the family. If you have an extended illness, please contact me to let me know.

Kindly try to be a class on time. If you are consistently tardy for no good reason, I reserve the right to count three tardies as an absence.

If you have to leave early, please inform me before class. Do not schedule extra work, doctor's appointments, etc. during class time if at all possible. If you are too frequent in leaving early, I reserve the right to count early departures as a partial absence, adversely affecting your grade.

Absences may be excused if you bring me documentation that you were ill, involved in an accident, on school business, or there was a death in the immediate family. More than one hour of unexcused absences will result in your being dropped from the course with either a W or an F at my discretion. If you have a plan to successfully complete the course, you may be allowed to pay a fine and petition to be reinstated. Additional unexcused absences will result in your being dropped without future reinstatement. No credit will be given for a course in which absences, both excused and unexcused, total more than 25% of the hours of the course (i.e., more than 4 class periods). Should you approach this limit, you will be asked to withdraw from the course. I reserve the right to drop you from the course as a warning once you have at least 3 total absences. If you are dropped for any reason, reinstatement is not guaranteed and will be granted only if a plan for success is presented. Note well: Absences may adversely affect your grade, as outlined below under the topic Grades.

Office Hours

I will be in my office ten hours during the week as outlined above. If you have class conflicts with my office hours, you can schedule another time with me. Appointments during office hours will be given precedence over drop-ins, but if you need to see me about something and don't have an appointment, come on up to my office and I will try to squeeze you in. If you need help, please use my office hours. You may also see me both before and after class as time permits. I will be available for extended conferences after class hours if it does not interfere with another class or chapel. No appointment will usually be necessary to see me at this time. If I am not in my office at office hours after a class, check my last classroom to see if a student has detained me there.

Assignments, Assessment, and Grades

Assessment of whether the objectives have been met will be based on the student's performance on homework and tests assigned by the teacher and on the student's ability to do relevant research on his or her own in papers described below.

Your grade for the class will be based on three major exams (including a comprehensive final exam), one two-page introduction to II Corinthians, a map of Paul's journeys between Asia and Corinth, a typed four to six-page exegesis, attendance, and pop quizzes over the reading, collected in-class work, and collected homework.

The introduction and exegesis should be typed. The exegesis must be at least four full pages, not counting the cover sheet (required) and bibliography (also required). One page is defined as 27 double-spaced typewritten lines (counting the title, but not your name or page numbers) with 1" margins. The typed papers should be written using the Turabian style guide.

Exam questions can come from the lectures or assigned readings from either the textbook or the Bible. The final exam will cover material from the whole course.

Class may be dismissed if there are classroom conflicts for BIB 494 during Lectureship week April 6-9. In such a case, students will be expected to attend at least a one hour class or lecture for each hour missed and turn in a one-page report on the class or lecture attended. The reports will count as attendance grades. To minimize missed classes, if one or both classes are dismissed, the I Corinthians section of class may meet on Friday of Lectureship week. In such a case, attendance at a lectureship class will take the place of the II Corinthians class that normally meets on Fridays.

Ten points will be given for attendance. One point will be deducted for each class hour missed (counting each class as 1 hour), including those missed for illness. The only exception to this will be those who miss on official school business and have an official notice to this effect; up to five such absences will not count against the student's grade if the student has no unexcused absences. Two grace hours will be given to all students to allow for absences due to illness and excused absences for official school business. Note well: Grace hours will be applied first to excused absences.

Class handouts and homework will be found on the Internet at: "".

Additional readings/quizzes/essays/maps may be assigned.

The final grade will be based on your work in the following way:

          Introduction to II Corinthians                     2%
          Map                                                2%
          Four-page Exegesis                                11%
          Attendance                                        10%
          Pop Quizzes/Homework                              15%
          Major Tests                                       40%
          Final Exam                                        20%

Only in the area of the Map will any extra credit be allowed to exceed these percentages. Your final grade will be A, B, C, D, or F. An A will be given for an average of 100-90, a B for 89- 80, a C for 79-70, a D for 69-60, and an F for any average below 60.

All work is expected to be turned in on time . If for some reason you cannot make the due date, please ask my permission to turn the work in late. Late homework is accepted for only half credit, since the answers will often be given in class. Realizing that other teachers may assign work due at the same time, I will not dock your grade on the map if it is no more than one (1) week late; however, if it is later than one week, expect to have your grade on that assignment lowered by half. If the research paper, exegesis, or introductory papers are turned in late, the paper grade will be docked by one letter (10%) per class period late.

No paper will be accepted that is more than two weeks late. A paper that is more than one week late may not be rewritten, except in unusual circumstances. A paper must be at least 75% of assigned length in order to be rewritten. The grade on a paper which is rewritten may be increased on content, length, and up to (but not exceeding) a letter grade on mechanical errors. No grade will be given to a paper which contains enough mechanical errors to dock the score by two letter grades. It will be turned back without a score and the rewrite counted as late. Be sure to proofread and spell check! The English proficiency test sets the minimum standard for college papers.

Students who are absent on exam days with good reason may schedule a make-up exam within the next week. You must ask to take a make-up exam.

Students who score less than a 70 on a major exam may petition to retake the exam within a week after grades are returned on it. The highest grade on any retake exam will be 70. Once again, you must ask to retake an exam. There will be no retakes on the final exam. Study hard for it.

Bible Map

Draw or trace a map or maps of the second and third missionary journeys of Paul in Asia and Greece and Paul's painful visit to Corinth from Ephesus, showing at least the following: the major bodies of water, all the cities mentioned in the Bible as being visited by Paul, the Roman provinces in which he preached the gospel. The journeys may be presented on one or two maps. Please limit your map size and substance to 8«" x 11" paper. Extra credit may be given for neatness, detail, and good use of color.

N.B. In lieu of drawing or tracing, it is acceptable to photocopy an outline map of the region and fill it in with the above; however, it is not acceptable to photocopy a map which has any of the above marked on it. You must fill it in.

Academic Integrity Policy

Because Ohio Valley College expects students to follow the highest standards of honorable conduct in all areas of life, it is essential that students maintain high standards of academic integrity. Cheating, plagiarizing (whether intentionally misrepresenting another's work as one's own or failing to follow appropriate requirements of documentation), and helping others to cheat or plagiarize are all violations of these standards. Students who engage in these behaviors will face appropriate consequences, which could include failing the assignment in question, failing the course, or being dismissed from the College. A student who believes that he or she is being treated unjustly may file an appeal with the Provost; the student must initiate the appeal within 48 hours after receiving notification of the consequence. Appeal procedures are available in the office of the Provost.


Plagiarism is the presentation of another person's work as your own, whether you mean to or not . Copying or paraphrasing passages from another writer's work without acknowledging that you've done so is plagiarism. Translating passages from another writer's work in another language without acknowledging that you've done so is plagiarism. Copying another writer's work without putting the material in quotation marks is plagiarism, even if credit is given. Allowing another writer to write any part of your essay is plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious crime. The maximum penalty at OVC is expulsion from the college.

Plagiarism is easy to avoid. Simply acknowledge the source of any words, phrases, or ideas that you use. If you're not sure how to quote or paraphrase a source or if you need help with the format of endnotes or bibliographies, check with me. While you can (and in fact should) seek the help and advice of friends, classmates, and tutors, be sure that your written work is completely your own.

Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

If you have a diagnosed disability and need special accommodations, please notify the Office of the Provost before or immediately after your first scheduled class meeting. After your disability has been verified, inform your instructor and your instructor will work with you and the Office of the Provost to insure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in the course.

MAJOR EXAM DATES:   Exam 1 -- Wednesday, February 12, 2003
                    Exam 2 -- Monday, March 31, 2003
                    Final Exam -- Wednesday, May 7, 2003
                                  1:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Course Plan

For each week a text is discussed, read the text and the comments by Barrett on the related text before class.

WEEK ONE: Introduction and Background
 1/17/03 -- Introduction and Review of the Book of I Corinthians

            homework: read Barrett's introduction
                      write a two-page introduction to
                         II Corinthians
 1/24/03 -- Introduction to the Book of II Corinthians

            homework: map(s) of Paul's journeys is due
                      read the text below and related commentary
 1/31/03 -- II Corinthians 1

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 2/ 7/03 -- II Corinthians 2

 2/12/03 -- Major Test
            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 2/14/03 -- II Corinthians 3

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 2/21/03 -- II Corinthians 4

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 2/28/03 -- II Corinthians 5

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 3/ 7/03 -- II Corinthians 6


            homework: read the text below and related commentary
                      exegesis is due
 3/21/03 -- II Corinthians 7

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 3/28/03 -- II Corinthians 8

            homework: study for the test
 3/31/03 -- Major Test
            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 4/ 4/03 -- II Corinthians 9-10

Lectureship (on 1 Corinthians this year :)
            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 4/11/03 -- I Corinthians 12-13 (Friday class for I Cor. if Mon.
               or Wed. canceled)
Last Week to Drop a Class with a "W"--Stick with it to the end!

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 4/18/03 -- II Corinthians 11

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 4/25/03 -- II Corinthians 12

            homework: read the text below and related commentary
 5/ 2/03 -- II Corinthians 13
            dead paper day (last day to turn in any rewrites)

WEEK SIXTEEN: Final Exam Week
            homework: study for final exam
 5/ 7/03 -- Final Exam (1:00-2:50pm)

N. B.: Homework is listed before the class for which it is due!

N. B.: Homework is listed before the class for which it is due!


Mission Statement of Ohio Valley College:
At Ohio Valley College, we seek to transform lives in a Christ-centered academic community that integrates higher learning, biblical faith, and service to God and humanity.

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Last updated on February 3, 2003
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