Bible 401 Return to Syllabus

Psalms 112-126

  1. According to Psalm 113, what does God do for the barren woman?

  2. According to Psalm 115, what is the problem with idols?

  3. According to Psalm 115, to whom has God given the earth?

  4. According to Psalm 116, how does God view the death of his saints?

  5. According to Psalm 118, what happened to the stone that the builders rejected?

  6. According to Psalm 118, what should one do this day and why?

  7. According to Psalm 119, how does one keep from sinning against God?

  8. List at least six terms used to describe God's word in Psalm 119.

  9. What does the psalmist of Psalm 120 ask God to deliver him from?

  10. Where does the psalmist of Psalm 121 say that his help comes from?

  11. What does the psalmist of Psalm 122 say to pray for?

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