Bible 422: Church Growth and Planting Return to Syllabus

Study Guide: Without Crossing Barriers
Chapter 13 of Understanding Church Growth

1. What kind of barriers do people like to become Christians without crossing?
2. How is the human mosaic unlike a mosaic in a building?
3. What does McGavran label a group of people who are similar?
4. What percent of members of a homogeneous congregation were brought by some friend or relative according to Schaller?
5. What subgroups can a "young married couples" class be divided into?
6. What is perhaps the strongest barrier among people?
7. What kind of barriers to becoming a Christian must not be removed?
8. Besides removing social barriers, what other factors does McGavran say are essential to the growth of the church?
9. What must the initial converts who start large group movements do when they become Christians?
10. What is the basic problem with following a homogeneous unit principle in seeking to grow a church?
11. When two groups become Christians at the same time, which is often hurt by integration?
12. What does McGavran say the correct policy of evangelism is when two groups are becoming Christians at the same time?
13. What should the church teach about Christians in other segments of society?

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