Bible 422: Church Growth and Planting Return to Syllabus

Study Guide: Helps and Hindrances
Chapter 9 of Understanding Church Growth

1. What does McGavran say that theologies supporting slow growth are ostensibly built on? What does he say they actually arise from?
2. In what does McGavran say the church actually grows when people think it is growing in a geographical area?
3. What kind of theology proves attractive when growth is slow?
4. What does the value of yeast lie in?
5. What are three meanings of the verb 'disciple'?
6. What three positive and one negative effects does a premature perfecting have?
7. What kind of congregations often grow best?
8. What four kinds of motives did Pickett categorize in his study?
9. What did Pickett conclude made more of a difference in Christian growth than motives?
10. What did Pickett conclude that God uses to bring people under the influence of the gospel?
11. What kind of decisive act did the Dani people engage in?
12. Do you think the situation at Mirzapur could have been different?
13. Between what kind of churches can significant comparisons for growth be made?
14. What four segments of society are more ready to hear and obey the gospel?
15. What is the surest and simplest way to know whether a population is responsive?
16. What does McGavran conclude about the relationship between theology and church growth?

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